Jordan Peterson On Why You Won't Have a Career - Career Rush


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Monday, June 3, 2019

Jordan Peterson On Why You Won't Have a Career

I want to do a post directed towards young women because I'd like to tell them what lies they're being taught and are going to be taught. There's a couple of lies always told, the first lie: is you're going to have a career.

Okay I know: a tiny fraction of people have careers, maybe two percent. Most people have jobs, yeah and the definition of a job is an activity that you get paid for because you wouldn't do it voluntarily. Okay, so, first of all, you're not going to have a career you're going to have a job. Second, most jobs aren't very desirable they're, not very meaningful they're, not the center place for your life, and even if you have a career like, for example, if you go into law you're going to find that it's very, very demanding and very, very difficult and very very Stressful and very very competitive and you're not going to find the fulfillment of your of your desire, for example, for interment in intimate close interpersonal relationships in a competitive domain like law. It'S just not going to happen and if you go and be a doctor, then you're gonna be looking at 60 hour weeks, so careers are exceptionally demanding.

You're, never done, you're always working and jobs are. People pay you to do jobs because the jobs are difficult and unpleasant and require responsibility and if and difficult decisions? Okay, so that's the first lie. The second lie is that career or job is actually the fundamental purpose of life, and that's not true. The the most important thing in life is your family, your relationship and your children, and you might not know that when you're 19, because what the hell do you know when you're 19, you don't know anything 7 years ago you were 12, you don't know anything yeah And what you don't understand is that by the time you're 40, if you don't have a family and children, you are one lost soul, because, as you get older, you know I mean I've had a very good career and it's still going just great guns. And I don't expect to end. You know unless someone gets particularly irritated with me for another 15 or 20 years. But I can tell you that, despite all that, despite the fact that I'm absolute fascinated by my job and my my career and and I and I'm in a very fortunate position, because it's an extraordinarily interesting job ever since I had kids, they were the most important Thing in my life and as I get older, that just becomes more and more and more clear, and so Western people Carl Jung commented about this. At one point, he thought that, because the the fundamental archetypal hero of Western culture was Christ and Christ died when he was in his early 30s that we really didn't have a good model for the latter half of life. It'S a very interesting kind of idea, but why? I can't I can say with with virtual certainty that, if you're not oriented, if you're not situated with the family in the latter half of your life you're, especially if you also don't have a partner you're, one lonesome, isolated miserable creature. I imagine - and you just want a mix with people like that quite high on me - well and increasingly we're going to have a society where there's a tremendous number of isolated old women who have no one. Now, that's partly because man died young too compared to women. You know, but you know you were talking about this famous feminist who didn't have children, it's like not having children and you'll wake up when you're 35, if you're, not careful, if you're, female and you'll think oh, I don't have any time left to have kids and That is not fun. That is not a good realization and then maybe you'll be on the assisted reproduction carousel for the next ten years, and believe me, that's that's like having a near fatal disease that is not entertaining for life in some ways. Isn'T that complicated? There are fundamental, like people think, well what should I do with my life? Okay. Well, the first answer to that is: do what other people have always done unless you're certain that you're exceptional in some manner and and even if you are you're, probably only exceptional in one direction, not at all. So what do you do? Well, you get as educated as you can so that you can make yourself useful so that you have a skill or multiple skills that other people will pay you validly for, and not only because of that. But because you need to contribute to your own maintenance sent to the M to the what health and survival of the broader community okay, so you have to do that, get your act together, get yourself a trader or get educated. Then you need a job. Then you need an intimate partner. Then you need a family, it's like it. If you miss any of those, then you're in trouble. Now you might not think so, because you might be cynical about it or prematurely cynical, which is so many young women. You ask them at 19: why do you want to have children? They think? Oh? Well, I don't think so. It'S like you, don't know what you're talking about yeah and why people have decided that you should be some sort of authority about. It is nothing but an index of how pathological or culture has become you don't know anything you're, a child. You haven't read anything you haven't accomplished anything your parents have taken care of you up to this point and you you can pronounce on something as profound as how society should be constructed. It'S absurd and it's dangerous for the for the women because they don't understand where they're, headed and other women lie to them. They don't sit the nineteen-year-olds down and say: look you know like you should pursue a career. You'Re smart you've got something to offer and society needs your intelligence. But you better look the hell out, because women have complicated lives and they also have to have a family and you're gon na struggle like mad to figure out how to balance those two things and nobody's going to help you.

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